Ending Gender-based Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
The Critical Importance of Implementing ILO Convention 190
Limited social and legal provisions have made it difficult to prevent and address gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the world of work. However, ILO Convention 190, adopted in 2019, offers a transformative and clear global framework to recognize the rights of all workers to live in a world free from violence and harassment.
The next step is to put the Convention and Recommendation 206 into practice and implement the standards through inclusive and integrated practices. Governments, employers and worker organizations, philanthropic actors, and other stakeholders must commit to adopting C190’s measures across all sectors, occupations, and work realities. The Convention offers a roadmap on how to reform laws and policies at the national level, from ratification to multi-sector coordination to ensuring meaningful implementation, monitoring and reporting.
This brief offers concrete recommendations to end gender inequalities and discriminatory norms in the world of work using C190 as a model for change. Embraced by activists, human rights movements, trade unions and women’s rights organizations, C190 offers a critical opportunity for advocacy and mobilization at the Generation Equality Forum and beyond.
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Tanya Khokhar (2021). Ending Gender-Based Violence and Harassment in the World of Work: The Critical Importance of Implementing ILO Convention 190. Washington, DC: International Center for Research on Women.