Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence in Asia and the Pacific
July 2021 - Ongoing
Technology-facilitated Gender-based Violence, Violence Against Women and Girls
Laura Hinson
This project will provide services toward advancing research on technology-facilitated gender-based violence (GBV) in the Asia and Pacific region—summarizing key findings, gaps, and recommendations to inform future research and programming, with specific attention to informing programming across USAID missions and bureaus.
What Did We Set Out to do?
In partnership, ICRW and NORC will conduct a rigorous landscape analysis comprising a systematic evidence review and case studies on technology-facilitated GBV in the Asia-Pacific region. Information from this study will be used to create a final report describing the technology-facilitated GBV landscape in the region and providing actionable policy and programming recommendations for tackling this important issue.
The aim of the study is to identify what constitutes technology-facilitated GBV; analyze trends in the Asia and Pacific regions; and assess the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on this form of gender-based violence (GBV). In pursuit of this goal, the study will investigate the following research questions or areas of inquiry:
(1) What is technology-facilitated GBV?
(2) What are Asia and Pacific regional trends related to technology-facilitated GBV?
(3) How do threats of technology-facilitated GBV impact an individual’s online activity and use? How does this impact different types of individuals, such as high-profile individuals (e.g., those in political or leadership roles, particularly women); those of vulnerable or marginalized identities (women, youth, LGBTQI+ persons, persons with disabilities, religious and ethnic minorities, Indigenous Peoples, etc.); and people of different age ranges and generations?
(4) How can Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) strategies be utilized to prevent, mitigate, and respond to technology-facilitated GBV in Asia and Pacific region?
What Methods Are We Using?
ICRW and NORC will conduct work in three stages:
- Stage 1 will be a systematic evidence review, which includes developing a comprehensive search strategy, extracting and reviewing peer-reviewed and grey literature, developing a detailed codebook to identify emergent themes, analysis, and virtual key informant interviews or focus groups.
- Stage 2 will be conducting case studies, including finalizing the country selection, stakeholder mapping, developing KIIs guides and conducting KIIs, and preliminary analysis.
- Stage 3 will consist of analysis and dissemination, including preparing a summary report, preparing four case study summaries and additional communication products, and conducting two one-hour webinars on study findings.
Conclusions and Key Publications
Learn more by downloading the publications below.