Girls Not Brides
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Girls Not Brides is a global partnership to end child marriage and give girls opportunities to fulfill their potential. Created by The Elders, Girls Not Brides will give greater visibility and leadership to the issue of child marriage and strengthen efforts to end it at local, national and global levels. This week at the U.N. General Assembly and the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson and Gro Brundtland of The Elders will draw global attention to child marriage by speaking at various events. ICRW has been involved in the Girls Not Brides partnership since its inception and is among dozens of member organizations that support this alliance.
In this new video from Girls Not Brides¸Graça Machel, Mary Robinson and Desmond Tutu of The Elders call on people around the world to action: to end child marriage in a single generation.