Phyllis Wakiaga
Masters in International Trade and Investment Law, Masters in Business Administration, Pursuing a Ph.D. in Leadership and Governance
Public and Private Sector Expert

Phyllis (She/Her), is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with over 18 years of experience in Corporate Leadership, Governance, Public Policy, Government Relations, Sustainability and Private Sector Development.
Currently, she is a Senior Advisor and Global Lead – Industry and Commerce at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. Prior to this, Phyllis was the Chief Executive Officer and Secretary to the Board at Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) where she served for 9 years and spearheaded industry led actions.
Phyllis has also served on a number of boards over the years and is currently a Non-Executive Director at the Kenya Roads Board, BAT (K) PLC, The Institute of Economic Affairs and is a Board of Trustees of the United States International University.