Dr. Linet Arisa

Senior Research Scientist - Women & Youth Economic Opportunity & Security

Ph.D. in Economics from University of the Witwatersrand and a Masters Degree in Economics from the University of Nairobi.


Women and Youth Economic Empowerment


English and Swahili

Dr. Linet Arisa  (she/her) is a Senior Research Scientist – Women & Youth Economic Opportunity & Security, based at the ICRW-Nairobi office where she leads in proposal development, research design and implementation. For over a decade, Linet has worked in the financial sector in the area of research and capacity building, with extensive experience in micro-econometric research methods, collaborative and interdisciplinary research. Her focus is in improving the livelihoods of the young people through capacity building and advocating for enhanced projects that promote youth and women empowerment. Her current work at ICRW includes overseeing the Women and Youth Economic Opportunity and Security program and leading in research design, dissemination of evidence and policy advocacy. She has worked throughout East and South Africa.

Prior to joining ICRW, Linet worked at the Youth Enterprise Development Fund Board at the enterprise development unit, market support and linkages, credit management, research and policy analysis. She also worked at the Kenya Women Finance Trust in business development, and as sessional lecturer and researcher at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya Methodist University and The University of the Witwatersrand. She has also served as a peer reviewer and consultant in financial inclusion research, for the Central Bank of Kenya and the Financial Sector Deepening Kenya.