Research Group Commissions ICRW for Gender Analysis
16 December 2010
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The global Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has commissioned the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) to identify pragmatic ways to integrate gender analysis into ongoing agricultural research programs.
Established in 1971, CGIAR is a network of 15 global institutions engaged in research for sustainable development. CGIAR centers collaborate with national and regional research institutes, civil society organizations, the private sector and other partner organizations around the world. Its research has been credited with spearheading major improvements to agricultural productivity and food security.
ICRW is working with CGIAR to examine how the organization can incorporate gender-related realities into its research, program implementation, policy design and evaluation in fields such as food security and nutrition. Analyzing the role of gender in agriculture includes, for instance, addressing the unique needs and capabilities of women and men in farming. In many countries, women play critical roles in agricultural production, processing and marketing.
And by considering women farmers’ various agricultural responsibilities, CGIAR scientists can develop effective technologies that are more likely to enjoy widespread acceptance, said David Kauck, ICRW’s senior gender and agriculture specialist who leads the project. He added that as more women farmers adopt such technologies, researchers will have a greater impact on alleviating hunger, boosting agricultural productivity and improving the livelihoods of the rural poor.
“By better integrating gender considerations into CGIAR’s formidable body of research, we can help ensure that both women and men benefit from agricultural innovations,” Kauck said.
Roxanne Stachowski is ICRW’s external relations program associate.