Analyzing Global GEF Commitments and Progress Towards Economic Justice and Rights
Advocacy, Economic Opportunity & Security, Feminist Foreign Policy, Generation Equality Forum, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
WeProsper’s Research and Policy Publication Series on Women’s Economic Empowerment
In connection with the Generation Equality Forum in July 2021, over 2,500 commitments were made by various stakeholders—from governments to youth-led organizations—to support gender equality globally over the next five years. Each commitment belongs to one of six different Action Coalitions: Gender-Based Violence, Economic Justice & Rights, Feminist Action for Climate Justice, Bodily Autonomy & Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Feminist Movements & Leadership, and Technology & Innovation for Gender Equality. The commitments that have been made to-date are made easily available online through the public Action Coalitions Commitment Dashboard, which is managed by UN Women.
As a global coalition dedicated to advancing women’s economic empowerment, justice, and rights, WeProsper has a particular interest in the Economic Justice & Rights (EJR) commitments. With 527 total commitments, EJR commitments comprise the second largest grouping — after Gender-Based Violence at 806 commitments. EJR commitments fall into four priority action areas (each commitment can be categorized under multiple action areas).
This brief outlines key takeaways and recommendations following a review of the EJR commitments in the Action Coalition Commitment Dashboard and findings from the Generation Equality Accountability Report 2022. The purpose of this brief is to provide a comprehensive analysis of this subset of GEF commitments for use by external stakeholders, support the monitoring and accountability of EJR commitments, and add value to the broader conversation around the GEF process. To download the policy brief, click here.
WeProsper. (2022). Analyzing Global GEF Commitments and Progress Towards Economic Justice and Rights. Washington, D.C.