Alcohol consumption and HIV risk
Research finds that alcohol use and HIV risk behavior are strongly associated in developing countries. Programs that address the link between alcohol and HIV are extremely rare worldwide, yet a few promising interventions in sub-Saharan Africa and India provide invaluable information about the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of several approaches to reducing alcohol-related sexual behavior.
This case study examines an innovative peer education approach in Chennai, India, that informed patrons in informal bars known as wine shops on the risks of alcohol consumption and HIV. The adaptable, peer-based HIV prevention program used “I statements” to convey relatable personal experiences, focused more realistically on risk reduction rather than risk elimination, and continually sought new information on the social and structural environment in Chennai.
This case study was prepared by the AIDSTAR-One project. As an AIDSTAR-One partner organization, ICRW provided technical oversight on this publication. An online, interactive version of the case study is available at AIDSTAR-One.
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Prevention of Alcohol-related HIV Risk Behavior
Wising Up to Alcohol-related HIV Risk