U.S. Obligations Under the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security

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Lyric Thompson, Rachel Clement and Jennifer Schutzman

Governments — including the United States — increasingly recognize that war and conflict are too often borne on the bodies of women and girls. This is an egregious violation of their human rights, as well as of international law and various normative frameworks on peace, security and development.

During and following conflict, women and girls face numerous forms of violence, including trafficking, child, early and forced marriage, sexual assault and coercion, and increased rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) within the home. However, donors too often focus exclusively on sexual violence, often to the exclusion of other forms of violence that also increase during and following conflict and necessitate immediate and comprehensive response.

This brief overviews the various forms of violence associated with conflict and crisis; analyzes relevant U.S. policy and programs that could or should address such violence; and makes recommendations for actions the United States can take to ensure its investments comprehensively address all forms of violence faced by girls and women around the world.