STRIVE: Addressing the Structural Drivers of HIV
2011 - 2017
India ,South Africa ,Tanzania, United Republic of
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Karnataka Health Promotion Trust, Tanzania’s National Institute for Medical Research, Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit, Witwatersrand Reproductive Health and HIV Institute
Anne Stangl
STRIVE is a research consortium investigating the social norms and inequalities that drive HIV. Despite substantial progress in addressing AIDS, the number of people newly HIV-infected continues to outstrip the number entering treatment. Although the importance of addressing the structural drivers of HIV is increasingly recognized, there is limited evidence on how best to intervene.
A six-year international research consortium, STRIVE research focuses on gender inequality and violence, poor livelihood options, alcohol availability and drinking norms, and stigma and criminalization. The consortium seeks to understand how these forces drive the epidemic; what programs are effective in tackling them; how such interventions can, affordably, be taken to scale; and how best to translate this research into policy and practice.
To view the project brief, click here or on the “Technical Brief” image to the right.
And to view the impact case study (July 2017), click here or on the “Impact Case Study” image below.