Mobile Approaches to Gender-based Violence (GBV) Response and Mitigation in Urban Refugee Settings
2014 - 2016
International Rescue Committee and Sida
Pamela Lilleston
The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) is working with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to evaluate an innovative model for mobile delivery of gender-based violence response and mitigation services among Syrian refugees living in northern Lebanon.
Using qualitative in-depth interviews with Syrian refugee women and girls and IRC staff and monitoring data, ICRW will assess: 1) the extent to which the services meet the needs of women and girls with respect to their safety and security in this crisis setting; and 2) the extent to which mobile services can uphold international standards and best practices to guarantee safety and security of survivors and quality of services.
Findings from this assessment will be used to provide the broader humanitarian community with needed information regarding new methods and approaches for reaching urban or non-camp based refugees in acute crises with gender-based violence services.