ICRW Presents MTV Networks International’s Bill Roedy with 2010 Innovation Award
Economic Opportunity & Security, HIV and AIDS
MTV’s ‘Staying Alive’ Mass Media Campaign Reaches Millions to Prevent HIV and AIDS, Reduce Stigma
Jeannie Bunton, 202.742.1316, [email protected]
WASHINGTON, D.C. – MTV Networks International’s (MTVNI) chairman and chief executive, Bill Roedy, will receive the International Center for Research on Women’s (ICRW) Innovation Award at its annual high-profile fund-raising Champions for Change event at the House of Sweden in Washington, D.C. on International Women’s Day, March 8.
Roedy will be honored for his leadership of MTV Networks International’s Staying Alive Campaign, the world’s largest youth focused, HIV and AIDS prevention campaign. The campaign encourages HIV prevention, promotes safer lifestyle choices and fights the stigma and discrimination associated with the disease through diverse global multi-media campaigns across TV, film and digital media.
Following the success of the Staying Alive Campaign, launched in 1998, the Staying Alive Foundation was launched in 2005 as a public charity to support young people around the world engaged in grassroots HIV and AIDS prevention projects.
The Foundation’s mission is to encourage, energize and empower young people who are involved in HIV/AIDS awareness, education and prevention campaigns. The foundation also presents Staying Alive grants twice a year to young people who have set up youth-led organizations that are focused on preventing HIV and who demonstrate the potential to become future leaders.
“Under Bill’s leadership, the Staying Alive public education campaign has impacted young people around the world by opening up conversations about sexuality, risk and HIV, and helping to reduce stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and AIDS – all of which are invaluable,” said Geeta Rao Gupta, president of ICRW, which since the 1990s has researched the social, economic and gender factors that fueled the spread of HIV and AIDS among women. “Our data shows that girls and women are disproportionately affected by stigma and discrimination and are less able to cope with the consequences of it.”
“We are truly indebted to Bill and MTV for investing in public education around this issue in a way that is accessible – reaching millions – and thereby breaking the silence that undermines girls’ and women’s ability to protect themselves,” added Rao Gupta.
“I am honored to accept the ICRW Innovation Award on behalf of MTV Networks,” said Roedy. “At MTVN, our global distribution and connection with diverse cultures provide a unique capability to make a difference around the world. Through Staying Alive we work to increase HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention among young people, while decreasing the stigma and discrimination associated with the disease. I strongly believe that women are key in leading and instilling equality, tolerance and unity to make the world a better place. I salute the ICRW for their tireless work on behalf of women everywhere. Women and girls are more vulnerable to HIV infection, and we need to arm and empower them with the tools to change their lives.”
ICRW’s signature Champions for Change event helps raise vital funds for ICRW to continue its research and advocacy work on behalf of women and girls across the globe.
ICRW’s mission is to empower women, advance gender equality and fight poverty in the developing world. To accomplish this, ICRW works with partners to conduct empirical research, build capacity and advocate for evidence-based, practical ways to change policies and programs.