Risk factors for men’s lifetime perpetration of physical violence against intimate partners

Publication Year


Publication Author

Fleming, P. J., McCleary-sills, J., Morton, M., Levtov, R., Heilman, B., & Barker, G.

Publication DOI


Publication issues/theme

Intimate Partner Violence

Publication Title

Plos One

Publication Subtitle

Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in Eight Countries

Publication Pages

10, e0118639


This paper examines men’s lifetime physical intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration across eight low- and middle-income countries to better understand key risk factors that interventions can target in order to promote gender equality and reduce IPV. Data from 7806 men were used form Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), India, Mexico, and Rwanda. Results show that there is wide variation across countries for lifetime self-reported physical violence perpetration (range: 17% in Mexico to 45% in DRC), men’s support for equal roles for men and women, and acceptability of violence against women.