Indicators of mobility, socio-economic vulnerabilities and HIV risk behaviours among mobile female sex workers in India
Saggurti, N., Jain, A. K., Sebastian, M. P., Singh, R., Modugu, H. R., Halli, S. S. et al.
AIDS and Behavior
16, 952-959
This paper examines the relationship between indicators of mobility, socio-economic vulnerabilities, and HIV risk behaviors among 5,498 mobile female sex workers (FSWs) living in the four high HIV-prevalent states in India. It was found that FSWs with a greater degree of mobility reported significantly more often than the FSWs with a lesser degree of mobility that they experienced physical violence, and consumed alcohol prior to sex. These findings suggest the need for HIV prevention interventions aimed at FSWs require an increased attention to address the socio-economic vulnerabilities including alcohol use, with a particular emphasis on those FSWs who are on the move in India and elsewhere.