The Importance of Men Seeing Women as Human Beings
Publication Date
22 February 2013
Stella Mukasa speaks to The Atlantic about engaging men and boys as part of the solution for violence against women.
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Domestic violence in India, part 4
In 1997, ICRW began a three-year research program on domestic violence in India in partnership with researchers from a range of Indian academic and nongovernmental organizations. This report summarizes four…
Engaging men and boys to achieve gender equality
ICRW and Instituto Promundo organized a seminar entitled “Engaging Men and Boys in HIV/AIDS Prevention, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Ending Gender-Based Violence: How Can We Build on What We…
Exploring dimensions of masculinity and violence
Working toward the reduction and elimination of gender-based violence, ICRW partnered with CARE Balkans and CARE International to implement a groundbreaking program working directly with young men between the ages…