ICRW’s President Sarah Degnan Kambou Speaks at 50th Anniversary of March on Washington
Article Date
26 August 2013
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ICRW President Sarah Degnan Kambou spoke Aug. 24 as part of a ceremony commemorating the historic vision and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. With the iconic Lincoln Memorial as a backdrop, her speech was part of a week-long celebration marking a pivotal event in the nation’s history.

During her speech, Kambou issued a global call to action in promoting women’s rights: “Today we must raise our voices yet again – above the din of misogyny, violence and injustice – to continue to fight for gender equality and banish forever the oppression that disenfranchises millions of women and girls across the world. We must act globally so we may fulfill Dr. King’s vision of equality and justice for all people.”
“We are America. We represent freedom,” she said. “We must stand side by side with women and girls living in poor communities outside the United States. Protect their rights, and the world will be a better, more just place for us all.”
Read the full speech here. For more information on the events, visit the 50th Anniversary March on Washington website. Follow Kambou on Twitter @SarahDKambou.