ICRW grieves the untimely death of Member of Parliament Jo Cox
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Yesterday, the world learned of the tragic death of British Member of Parliament Jo Cox, a rising member of the Labour Party, who was killed by a constiuent as she was leaving the public library in Birstall after holding meetings with community members.
Prior to her election to Parliament in 2015, Jo worked for many years in the non-profit sector, promoting women’s rights in the UK and in low-income and conflict-affected countries. She was a powerful advocate and generous colleague; we grieve her untimely death.
Jo is survived by her husband and two children. ICRW extends deepest sympathies to her family and friends and to the British development community.
From 2011, Jo Cox at the Royal Society in London, moderating ICRW’s panel discussion
“Let’s Raise Our Voices“, a conversation on violence against women and girls.