ICRW Experts Participate in Panels on Gender Violence
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International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) experts Stella Mukasa and Ann Warner on Dec. 5 and 6, respectively, will participate in panel discussions about violence against women. The events commemorate the worldwide annual 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign, which this year focuses on the intersections of gender violence and militarism.
The discussions will be held at George Washington University (GWU) in conjunction with its Global Women’s Institute. The Dec. 5 event will focus on how best to improve the collection, analysis and use of data worldwide to enhance violence prevention and response efforts. Participants include ICRW’s Mukasa, director of research on gender-based violence, Kay Freeman, USAID director of gender equality and women’s empowerment, Mary Ellsberg, director of the Global Women’s Insititute at GWU, and Karen McDonnell, an associate professorin the GWU school of public health and health services.
The discussion will be moderated by Lois Romano, senior political writer for Politico and an ICRW board member.
Titled “From Evidence to Action: Unleashing the Power of Research to Combat Gender Violence,” the Dec. 5 event will take place from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., in the City View Room 1957 E Street NW, 7th floor, in Washington, D.C.
The following day, Ann Warner, ICRW senior gender and youth specialist, will participate in a discussion about child marriage and dating violence – two issues that affect millions of girls and young women around the world. Moderated by Susan Wood, director of the Women’s Health Institute in GWU, the panel also will include Neil Irvin, executive director of Men Can Stop Rape, Tara Pereira, director of Campus Inclusion Initiatives at GWU and Lucy Lohrmann, teen advisor at Girl Up.
Titled “Violence against Girls: From Child Marriage to Date Rape,” the Dec. 6 event will take place from noon to 2 p.m. at the GWU Marvin Center, 800 21st St. NW, room 405, in Washington, D.C.