Getting to Equal in Education

Article Date

11 April 2012

Media Contact

Anne McPherson

Vice President, Global Communications email [email protected]

The next generation of education programs must focus on helping girls develop the skills, knowledge and social networks necessary to navigate the global health, environment and economic challenges they are likely to face as adults in the 21st century. Instead, we are still at a stage where large numbers of girls leave school uneducated, often stepping into adult roles as wives and mothers much too early, and lacking the ability to prevent the perpetuation of inter-generational cycles of ill health, poverty and inequality.

ICRW wants to change that. Our latest report addresses how the education, health and empowerment sectors could collaborate to guarantee that girls’ education facilitates healthy, safe and productive transitions to adulthood. We want to ensure that education isn’t only available to girls – especially in poor corners of the world – but that it is also transformative for them. Girls should finish school not only adept at reading and mathematics, but armed with the skills necessary to seek opportunities, demand their rights and earn a living.

When girls have equal access to a quality education, they are more likely to become productive, healthy and empowered citizens, parents and partners. And, when they go to school, families’ and community members’ views of girls change for the better, helping to contribute to more gender-equitable norms and attitudes.

Related article:
Linking Girls’ Education with Healthier, Safer Transitions to Adulthood

Related event:
Getting to Equal in Education: Addressing Gender and Multiple Sources of Disadvantage to Achieve Learning