WGCD Project Learning and Evidence

Below, you’ll find links to documents that may be relevant to you and your partners.

REPORT: Applying Theory to Practice: CARE’s Journey Piloting Social Norms Measures for Gender Programming
Beginning in 2014, a small team across CARE came together to develop and pilot new measures for social norms through an iterative learning process across three pilot sites in Sri Lanka and Ethiopia. This report shares experience and learning on translating social norms theory into practical measurement tools for gender programming in resource-constrained settings, featuring the use of CARE’s Social Norms Analysis Plot (SNAP).

BRIEF: A Conceptual Model of Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment
This brief presents the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s model of women and girls’ empowerment, developed in partnership with the Gender Team at the Royal Tropical Institute of the Netherlands (KIT). The model was designed using a process that involved an extensive literature review, alongside consultations with foundation staff, partners, and experts.

WHITE PAPER: Conceptual Model and Measurement Guidance
This white paper and related conceptual model of women and girls’ empowerment were built on more than 20 years of related theory and practice, developed for and in close partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation by KIT.