Power Sector
These tools for power infrastructure can be used to explore gender opportunities, screen potential investments through a gender lens, and advise portfolio companies on how to better integrate gender into their operations and supply chains.
Understand opportunities to better integrate gender in a project / company’s operations and supply chain.
Complete a questionnaire about the project / company to generate a personalized gender scorecard.
Explore how leading power companies integrate gender into their operations, and the resulting business and social benefits
Eko Electricity Distribution PLC (EKEDC) Nigeria
Eko Electricity Distribution PLC (EKEDC) came into existence when Nigeria’s power sector was unbundled and privatized in 2013. An offshoot of the legacy government utility NEPA, the company is one of the largest among the 11 electricity distribution companies serving the country today.
EVN Macedonia
EVN provides energy to more than 800,000 customers throughout the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYR Macedonia) and employs more than 1,900 employees. After restructuring, EVN Macedonia is now 10% state-owned and 90% privately owned by EVN Group. While the company focuses predominantly on electricity distribution and supply, it also owns 11 small hydroelectric plants for power generation.