From Advocacy to Action: Lessons on girl- and youth-led systems accountability in India, Kenya, and Uganda

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Private: Nalini V. Khurana, Pranita Achyut, Arshiya Wadhwa, Anne Patricia Kanyiri, Faith Mairah

In recent years, there have been growing efforts to streamline adolescent girls’ engagement with government systems and duty-bearers to hold them accountable, with girls being included as target groups or beneficiaries of initiatives, as collaborators or partners in initiatives, or as initiators and leaders who carve out space for themselves and their participation at various levels of the system.

However, the evidence around the relative successes, challenges, and outcomes of these initiatives is limited, and there are continued challenges around ensuring that adolescent girls’ participation is meaningful and inclusive and that duty-bearers not only lend a listening ear, but proactively engage with and respond to adolescent girls’ and young people’s needs and priorities.

The research study, supported by the Adolescent Girls Investment Plan (AGIP), aims to identify mechanisms that enable meaningful engagement and participation of adolescent girls and young people in accountability processes across three countries in which ICRW has an existing presence – India, Kenya, and Uganda. Drawing on existing evidence, as well as interviews and group consultations with adolescent girls, young people, and duty-bearers, the report highlights key learnings to ensure that adolescent girls and young people’s rights are ensured and their voices are heard across decision-making and policy spaces.

Publication Rights:


The research reported in this publication has been conducted by ICRW as a part of the Adolescent Girls Investment Plan (AGIP), with financial support from Women Deliver and Plan International.


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