Central or sidelined: examining how girls fared in the 2030 agenda
As 2015 comes to a close, so do the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In their wake is a new plan for the next 15 years: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or the 2030 Agenda. ICRW’s policy brief analyzes how the 2030 Agenda includes the unique needs and priorities of adolescent girls and examines the critical role girls have to play in the development of their communities worldwide.
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Adolescent girls’ livelihoods
ICRW and the Population Council convened “Essential Questions, Essential Tools,” a workshop held in 1999 to learn more about the nature of adolescents’ work experience, differentiate the needs and potentials…
Female genital cutting
This report examines the occurrence of female genital cutting (FGC), common rationales for its practice, and its prevalence. Efforts to eliminate the practice are also explored within the context of…
Girls count: a global investment and action agenda
If you want to change the world, invest in an adolescent girl. One person in eight is a girl or young woman age 10 to 24. Yet girls remain nearly…