Development and Gender Equality: Five Decades of Aid
Event Details
From: March 14, 2023
To March 14, 2023
Location: Online
Media Contact
Please join us for an exciting opportunity to learn from two internationally recognized experts on gender and development! Mayra Buvinic and Caren Grown, both of whom have previously led gender work at the World Bank and other institutions, will share with us a retrospective presentation on the evolution of five decades (1970-2020) of development assistance to gender and women’s empowerment, including at the World Bank, USAID, the UN and private philanthropy. The presentation will cover the aidscape, funding trends and donor financing, as well as the context and main trends in thinking and action for each decade over the 1970-2020 period.
Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion with these experts, which can help inform our individual and collective advocacy with the World Bank and other multilateral institutions, including the upcoming World Bank Gender Strategy Update. We hope you can join us for this valuable learning opportunity, which will lay the groundwork for a later session focused on brainstorming our strategic engagement.
Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqdOqorD4vE9algxYWcTyWeZ4o9zuo8–y